Campbell Road Nursery History
Campbell Road Nursery started contract growing in 1991 on an extremely small scale. The first season, we grew about 500 flats on a contract basis. On July 1, 2003, my husband, Carlton and I (Phil) bought the nursery, and it’s now known as Campbell Road Nursery Inc. During the previous 13 years, I’d been employed as a full-time manager, which included all phases of nursery production. I believe that the success of our nursery has been our excellent customer service and our goal to have the best quality plants, I always remember that every customer is important to our success ( whether they buy one flat or a thousand flats ). The individual customer is the reason we’re here. The person who starts out installing one flat might one day be the No. 1 landscaper in the region. We try to be fair to our landscape customers by selling our flats at the same price, no matter the size of their orders.